Image of Prof. Dr. Christian-Arved Bohn

Prof. Dr. Christian-Arved Bohn

04103 - 80 48 - 40

Raum: N11


Since October 2003 Christian Bohn is a professor for Computer Graphics, Virtual Environments, and Computer Games at Wedel University of Applied Sciences. He is head of the departments of Media Informatics and of Computer Games, and responsible for the Virtual Reality Lab.

Beruflicher Werdegang

Christian Bohn has been working in the fields of Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality since mid of the '80s. In 1992 he participated in the foundation of one of the first groups introducing Virtual Reality in Germany, which was headed by Wolfgang Krüger.

Since the early '90s Christian Bohn is doing research in fields like Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Human Computer Interfaces, and Artificial Neural Networks. He was affiliated with the GMD, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences, and Siegen University  as a researcher, lecturer, and head of department at Fraunhofer. He received his doctorate degree from Dortmund University.

Christian Bohn's work is documented in more than 100 publications. Selected examples are 'Radiosity on Evolving Networks' (Computer Graphics), 'The Responsive Workbench' (Human Computer Interfaces), 'LiquidViews' (Media Arts), and 'An Incremental Unsupervised Learning Scheme for Function Approximation' (Neural Networks).