Image of  Timm Bostelmann

Timm Bostelmann

04103 - 80 48 - 31

Raum: 215

Sprechzeiten im Semester: Nach Vereinbarung und spontan
Sprechzeiten in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit: Nach Vereinbarung und spontan


Julian Weihe, Timm Bostelmann, and Sergei Sawitzki. Processing speed impact of the pipeline-
length on a custom RISC-V CPU for FPGAs. In The Fifteenth International Conference on
Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics (CENICS), pages 5–8, October 2022.

Tobias Thiemann, Timm Bostelmann, and Sergei Sawitzki. Improving the gradient descent based
FPGA-placement algorithm. In The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Circuits,
Electronics and Micro-electronics (CENICS), pages 12–24, November 2020.

Timm Bostelmann, Tobias Thiemann, and Sergei Sawitzki. Fast FPGA-placement using a gradient
descent based algorithm. International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements,
13(1 & 2):175–184, 2020.

Timm Bostelmann, Tobias Thiemann, and Sergei Sawitzki. Accelerating FPGA-placement with
a gradient descent based algorithm. In The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in
Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics (CENICS), pages 13–18, October 2019.

Thomas Fabian Starke, Timm Bostelmann, and Sergei Sawitzki. FPGA-basierter protein- und
DNA-sequenzvergleich zur optimierten datenbanksuche mit dem BLAST-algorithmus. In M. Eibl,
M. Gaedke (Hrsg.):INFORMATIK 2017, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für
Informatik, pages 469–480, September 2017.

Timm Bostelmann, Thomas Fabian Starke, and Sergei Sawitzki. Local alignment search in genetic
sequences on a low-cost fpga. In The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Circuits,
Electronics and Micro-electronics (CENICS), pages 39–43, September 2017.

Thomas Fabian Starke, Timm Bostelmann, Helga Karafiat, and Sergei Sawitzki. A synthesizable
VHDL export for the custom architecture design tool CustArD. In The Tenth International
Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics (CENICS), pages 44–48,
September 2017.

Timm Bostelmann, Philipp Kewisch, Lennart Bublies, and Sergei Sawitzki. Improving FPGA-
placement with a self-organizing map accelerated by GPU-computing. International Journal On
Advances in Systems and Measurements, 10(1 & 2):45–55, 2017.

Timm Bostelmann and Sergei Sawitzki. Improving the performance of a SOM-based FPGA-
placement-algorithm using SIMD-hardware. In The Ninth International Conference on Advances
in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics (CENICS), pages 13–15, July 2016.

Timm Bostelmann and Sergei Sawitzki. Ein Entwurfsfluss für die geführte Optimierung rekonfig-
urierbarer Architekturen. In DASS 2016 - Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und
Systementwurf, pages 47–50, Mai 2016.

Timm Bostelmann and Sergei Sawitzki. A heterogeneous architecture template for application
domain specific reconfigurable logic. In 2015 Austrian Workshop on Microelectronics (Austrochip),
pages 9–14, September 2015. IEEE.

Timm Bostelmann and Sergei Sawitzki. Towards a guided design flow for heterogeneous reconfig-
urable architectures. In International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications
(FPL), pages 23–24, September 2015. IEEE.

Timm Bostelmann and Sergei Sawitzki. A conceptual toolchain for an application domain specific
reconfigurable logic architecture. In International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and
FPGAs (ReConFig), pages 1–4, December 2014. IEEE.

Hanno Sternberg, Timm Bostelmann, and Sergei Sawitzki. CustArD - a custom architecture
design tool. In International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig),
December 2014. IEEE.

Timm Bostelmann and Sergei Sawitzki. Improving FPGA placement with a self-organizing map.
In International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), pages 1–6,
December 2013. IEEE.

Timm Bostelmann and Sergei Sawitzki. Einsetzbarkeit selbstorganisierender Karten für die
Platzierung von Netzlisten. In DASS 2013 - Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs-
und Systementwurf, pages 56–61, April 2013.

Timm Bostelmann and Sergei Sawitzki. Automatische und teilautomatische Generierung an-
wendungsspezifischer Beschleunigungshardware aus der Softwarebeschreibung. In DASS 2011 -
Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf, pages 108–113, Mai 2011.